Reset Edge Smoothing
Reset Edge Smoothing automatically resets edge smoothing to low
Reset Edge Smoothing is a part of the Tools menu (Podium Extras menu for V2.5 users). The primary purpose of Reset Edge Smoothing is so you can increase the anti-aliasing speed during the Resampling phase of SU Podium's rendering process.
One of SU Podium's material properties is Edge Smoothing. This tells SU Podium how much anti-aliasing to apply to material edges and bump maps. If there are many material in your model that have many edges such as leaves in plants or bump maps applied, the resampling phase can often take longer than the raytracing phase. By default, all materials and textures have a default level of edge smoothing applied. If you invoke Reset Low Edge Smoothing, all the materials in the model will be reset to have Low Edge Smoothing. Depending on the number of textures and materials you have in your model, applying Low Edge Smoothing tool can dramatically reduce SU Podium's resampling time. However, overall quality of the final image will drop, particularly if materials with high percentage bump maps are used. It is recommended that you save your model as a different name before applying Reset Low Edge Smoothing.
Note: Applying Resest Low Edge Smoothing will undo Automatic Materials. Do not use this tool if you are using Automatic Materials.
Undo Low Edge Smoothing. You may find that after invoking Reset Low Edge Smoothing, you do not like the render quality of some of the materials. In that case, use the Undo Low Edge Smoothing to undo the previous action. Undo Low Edge Smoothing will only work on models that are open.
Reset Default Edge Smoothing. You may find that you saved the model with the Low Edge Smoothing applied but decided you do not like that setting. In that case, you can Reset Default Edge Smoothing. This action will reset all textures and materials to the Default Edge Smoothing value.