Max Resolution: rendering larger than 10k
It turns out that there is a bug in SU Podium's Options dialog box. The Custom resolution field will not allow for a pixel resolution that is greater than 9,999 X 9,999 pixels in any direction (Width or Height). The Custom field will allow you to key in a resolution that is greater than 9,999 pixels but when you render the scene, the image size will default to your SketchUp's viewport size.
There is a work around for this bug. It involves using Generate and then editing the .script file that Generate creates. Then rendering the the .script using the Render Manager. For information about Generate please read here.
Note - There's no resolution limit when you use the Panorama option.
Here are the steps to take to render over 10,000 pixels.
- First consider the aspect ratio that you want for your final, very high resolution image. For example if you want a final image to be 12,000 X 6,750 or an aspect ratio of 16:9, open the Options dialog box and enter a custom resolution such as 1600 X 900 or a resolution that has the same aspect ratio as your final image. The important thing is to match the aspect ratio in Options to the aspect ratio you want your final image to be. (Keep in mind, do not enter anything over 9,999 because that will force Podium to render at the SketchUp viewport)
- Use Generate to output a .string file of your rendering. You will need to save the Generate folder to some location on your disk. The folder will be automatically assigned a numeric name which is related to the date the folder was created. Find the folder you created with the Generate .script in it. The .script file will be named something like this: name-of-the-model-2015-07-29.script.
- Open the .script using Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for the Mac.
- Go to the very bottom line of the script where the line starts with outputto. Scroll up to the line that says camera picture. Here is an example of what this line looks like if you rendered at 1600 X 900:
camera picture,-1600,-900,616.657644638307,(7.875647,2.608125,0.810416),camax; - You need to change the first three numbers after camera picture. The first two numbers represent the output image's width and height resolution. Change the width and height values to the size you want. The numbers should have a minus sign. Both numbers should be followed by a comma. For example if you want to the final image to be 12000 X 6750, the numbers should look like -12000,-6750,.
- The third number is the focal length. To find the new focal length there is a formula.
- First divide the current focal length by the original image height (before you changed it). For example in the above case, divide 616.657644638307 by 1600. Keep this value positive. This will result in a less than 1 decimal value. In this case .385411028.
- Multiple this focal length decimal by the new height. In this case .385411028 X 12000 = 4624.932335. Keep this value positive and make sure a comma follows it.
- Your new line should look like: camera picture,-12000,-6750,4624.932,(7.875647,2.608125,0.810416),camax;
- Save the new .script file.
- Go back to SketchUp and go to the SU Podium V2.5 Plus pull down menu. Open Render Manager.
- Use the Add File option to add the new .script file. The rendering will start right away.
We are working on fixing this so in the future you will not need to edit the .script file.