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Automatic Materials: When the automatic materials checkbox is activated in the Podium options dialog, SU Podium will automatically apply photorealistic Podium material properties to any faces in your model that use standard SketchUp textures. Watch the above video for a brief explanation of how this works, and when you should use it.
New to Podium? Check out some of our other tutorial videos:
SU Podium UI Introduction: Options, presets, lighting and materials, etc. Resolution - 7:03
Quick Start: Exterior Rendering Three part introduction to rendering exterior scenes in SU Podium - 4:50
Lighting : Natural sun and sky lighting in SU Podium - 3:02
Panoramas: Watch an introduction video on creating interactive Panorama renders. - 0:53
Podium Browser: How to use Podium Browser cloud domes - 0:53