Podium Browser 3 is here - reminder
New content and what's coming
A summary of the top recent tutorials
Podium Browser FAQ
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The chill out/ music room creates an ambience of relaxation. This effective interior design and image was populated using a variety of components and lights from Podium Browser and rendered in SU Podium V2 Plus. Thank you Chris Baker. Click on the image to see the render in full resolution. Take a look at the list below to see some of the components Chris used in this design and rendering.
The Gallery Forum is a fantastic place to find inspiration, receive critique, and learn new tips and tricks to perfect your Podium Renders. Click here to browse the Gallery Forum.
Looking for critique? The Gallery Forum is a fantastic place to find inspiration, receive advice, and learn new tips and tricks to perfect your Podium Renders. Click here to browse the Gallery Forum.
Podium Browser 3 features a complete interface overhaul, and adds some highly requested functionality to make the Browser experience even better. You will now be able to create a Podium Browser user account by linking your Google profile. This will allow Podium Browser to track two very useful items which will significantly speed up your Browser workflow:
Recently Used items: While you are logged in, Podium Browser 3 keeps a running list of all your recently used components. This makes it easier than ever to navigate back to the items you've been using in your scene without searching through the categories. Simply click the "Recently used" button, and you're good to go!
User Favorites: Additionally, Podium Browser will now keep track of your "favorite" Browser items. If you find yourself using a component over and over again, click the star icon in the upper right portion of the item thumbnail. Clicking the star will add that item to your favorites list, which can be accessed by clicking the "My favorites" button any time you are logged in.
There have been some issues that Windows and Mac existing users have encountered. These are easy to resolve. Please read the Browser 3 FAQ. The issues are:
Please read the Browser 3 FAQ if you are encountering any problems. |
Thousands of items now in the Podium Browser!
Over 850 free items available for anyone to use!
What's new and what's coming?
Here's a small sample of the new Browser components we've added in the past few weeks:
Here's a small sample of the new components coming in the next few weeks:
We're adding new content to Podium Browser every week! Podium Browser is still only $59.00 and includes thousands of high quality, render ready components, with additional models, materials, and light fixtures being added every week. Read more about the speed and efficiency of Podium Browser here.
To see the full range of new Browser content, open the Podium Browser web page. Click on Agree, then click on Show only recent files.
This month, we will review the top tutorials that are available from the Podium Browser Help page.
As always, if you have any problems with the use of a specific tool or technique, feel free to post your question in the SUPlugins Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials forum.
A Note about keyword search: Podium Browser's keyword search at this point is very, very general and will search the entire database for any word that has the keyword in it. For example if you search for Wall lights and key in Wall with All categories, you will get hundreds of hits. However, if you combine a keyword search with a category selection, you will be more likely to find relevant results.
For example, if you search: Category - Light Fixture and Keyword - Wall, you will get all the Wall light fixtures that are in the Light Fixture category (at least ones that have been tagged with the word wall).
2nd License Specials for SU Podium V2 and Podium Browser continues: The 25% discount on your second purchase special is still in place as it has proven to be popular. If you already own one license of SU Podium or Podium Browser, get the second license of each for 25% off the list price. Buy here
Podium Browser paid content includes thousands of render ready components that you can click and drop into SketchUp to produce photo-realistic images very quickly. Embedded in the various categories are thousands of Podium materials, furniture items, plants, faucets, sinks, microwaves, refrigerators, 3D and 2D trees, grass, 2D people, 3D cars, exterior items, thousands of light fixtures and much more. These components are all modeled with skill and crafted in SketchUp with SU Podium V2 & V2+ properties. This will enable you to create your kitchen, living room, dining room, bathroom, exteriors and landscape designs in SketchUp effectively.
Rendering the Browser components photo-realistically with SU Podium V2 or Podium Walker does not require anything but to turn the render button on. Podium Browser free content is included in SU Podium V2 free trial or full version. The Paid content must be purchased.
Podium Browser Paid content is still $59.00 for a permanent license. You will be able to access new content that is added each month as a Paid content owner. Second license is 25% off. Podium Browser's paid content license will soon increase to $79.00, however, the second license will continue to be 25% off.