New animation and camera tools coming to ProWalker GPU. Beta available for "Adaptive panoramic lighting" feature in Podium Image Editor. New living room, and bathroom assemblies in Podium Browser.
Interior image rendered with ProWalker GPU

What's New in SU Podium - March 2018

Our featured image is a lovely, warm interior modeled by Lê Quốc Tài‎, rendered with ProWalker GPU. See the full-res version here, or check out the What's New page to see images from three additional users:

What's New in SU Podium
SketchUp 2018 banner

Coming soon: A new ProWalker GPU update is coming soon with some additonal camera and animation tools to make the ProWalker animation workflow a bit more flexible.

  • Fade and Crossfade transitions - Transition smoothly between scenes and motion paths.
  • Designate render mode and sample count per path - When rendering animations with multiple motion paths, you can now set the render mode on a per-bath basis, allowing you to render different paths at different quality levels.
  • Animate shadows - ProWalker can now read date/time allowing smooth shadow animation between scenes to show passage of time.
  • Keyframe easing - Camera motion can ease-in and ease-out at the beginning and end of a motion path.
  • Better control over camera speed - You can now set an exact duration for a motion path instead of using inches/second to set camera speed.

Shadow animations

Scene transitions

Look for this update sometime in the coming weeks, and if you're interested give ProWalker GPU a try! Reminder, ProWalker GPU is Windows only, and an NVIDIA GPU is strongly recommended.

Download ProWalker GPU v1.1 here

An new option has had been added to Podium Image Editor, which gives users an option to upload panoramas with a dynamic "adaptive" lighting effect.

Podium home office render

Click the image to see an example

This feature is not yet available as a final release, however you can read more about the feature and download beta builds here if you want to give it a try:

Adaptive panoramas in PIE

In the first half of January we've added over 100 new items, including 20 outdoor furniture assemblies, new planters, vases, and lamps.

10 additional living assemblies

Podium home office render

Living assembly 36 rendered with ProWalker GPU

25 home office and conference room assemblies

Podium home office render

Office Assembly 12 - rendered with ProWalker GPU

Five additional cars:

Additional decorative items and throws

Podium Browser contains over 16,500 high-quality models: furniture, light fixtures, plants, and more. All pre-configured with SU Podium materials and textures, and redy to render at the click of a button.

Get Podium Browser here

Ongoing Webstore Deals

Volume Discount Viso 3D

Second license is 25% off: If you already own one license of SU Podium, get the second license for 25% off the list price. Get it here.

Learn more      -      What's New in Podium Browser      -      Webstore

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