Categories only show recent items – Win/Mac

Over the past two days (October 08-09), a number of Podium Browser issues have emerged, starting with the Mac El Capitan update.

The core issue: No matter which category you click on, Podium Browser will only show thumbnails from the “recent items” list. This led to several other issues, including broken pagination, database errors, and extremely slow performance.

We are still working to finalize a convenient solution, but in the meantime we have a workaround that appears to be working on all platforms.  Please use the following steps.

  1. Launch Podium Browser.
  2. Click the colon icon next to the word Browse.
  3. This will launch a new version of the page with a cream colored heading.
  4. Windows users: Right click and select “refresh” or hit F5 to refresh the page.
  5. Mac users: Category links should now be working properly without refreshing, but refresh the window if necessary.
  6. Podium Browser should now be working.