1. EditInPlace Free for SU Podium V2 users
If you have a license of SU Podium V2, click here to receive your free EditInPlace 1.1. You will need your V2 license code so click on License in the SU Podium V2 pull down menu.
2. SU Podium 2.9 released - automatic materials, V2.10 coming

This model's reflections was automatically applied. Click here to watch the YouTube video.
SU Podium V2.9 has been released. It is a free upgrade for SU Podium Version 2 owners. Please download it from the Version 2 page.
SU Podium V2.10 will be released in a few days. What are the significant points to V2.10?
- And updated rendering engine that handles the edges between maksed images and alpha transparent backgrounds. Much cleaner.
- AA materials. Now you can decide how much anti-aliasing you want on a specific material. This comes in handy for example, if you have a leaf material assigned to hundreds of leaves. You can still keep high anti-aliasing quality globally but for the leaf material have no anti-aliasing assigned to it. This will improve the speed of the anti-alaising portion of Podium's calculations.
- Podium Styles have been included in the install. You no longer need to download Podium sky styles separately. This is great for customers who do not want to use physical sky for certain environments.
- Bug fix for the SU Podium Browser load problem that some people were experiencing.
3. This month's SU Podium image
This month's feature images from the SU Podium Gallery comes from Tom De Ceuster (a.k.a Stinkie on the Forum) This image was featured on the front cover of CatchUp as well.

Click on image to view much larger resolution. You may need to view this on the What's New web page.
SU Podium Forum gallery is a great place to see what others are doing with SU Podium V2 and the suggestions and comments that other users are making. It's a great place to pick up some ideas for your rendering . Click on the Gallery Forum.
4. SU Podium Browser 2.0: New Paid content as of Feb.1, 2012
The Paid section of SU Podium Browser 2.0 keeps growing with render ready lights, materials and furnishing. Check out the new Facebook account for SUPlugins which focuses on new components on the browser here - SUPlugins Facebook