What's New with SU Podium V2 for SketchUp |
What's New with SU Podium, January, 2013 |
1. SU Podium V2 image of the month
2. SU Podium V3 sneak peekSU Podium V3 beta is right around the corner. It's not released yet but Cadalog developers have been working on it for the last several months. All SU Podium V2 users will be able to try out the beta version in the coming month. In this month's What's New we took a quick look at two of the many features coming in V3. A. Podium Image Editor![]() The Podium Image Editor or PIE is a simple 2D image editor that can be launched directly from the Podium Render Manager (OORP) or from the Tools pull-down menu. We created this so you could do some fast image editing or post processing without having to open a full blown Photoshop like editor. There are many features that will improve the rendered image's quality. The RGB channel level sliders are an accurate and intuitive way to add more light. You can add your own background to alpha transparent rendered images in PIE as well. B. Preset Editor![]() Podium Preset Editor or PPE is an application that will be bundled with Podium V3 to create and modify Podium's render presets. It has an interface complete with guidance notes and controls. Currently, you can modify presets with a text editor, but this is only suited to people who are comfortable modifying scripts with a text editor (geek like). The PPE UI allows users to unlock the full power of the Podium V3 render engine and tune presets to suit specific scenes, intuitively (less geek like). For example, if you see blotches in your rendered scene, with PPE you will be able to create a preset to eliminate the blotches. We will be providing some support material to help users with the various parameters. PPE allows you to create your own presets from scratch or use the existing presets as templates. 3. Podium Browser 2 coming this month
4. Podium Walker - 0.5.3 beta version
5. SU Plugins Store specials - 25% off your second license
6. What is Cadalog, Inc. up to?