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SU Podium Revision Mockup

What's New in SU Podium for SketchUp

APRIL 2014

Gallery Forum - Images of the month

April was an incredibly strong month from our forum contributors. This month's slideshow features images from four different users. Click the correspondng links to view more of their work on the forums:

  1. Chris Carrera :: Forum Thread
  2. Kenneth Hoeg :: Forum Thread
  3. Denis McCardell :: Forum Thread
  4. Nat Ellis :: Forum Thread
  5. Forum user "Bambrose" :: Forum Thread

The Gallery Forum is a fantastic place to find inspiration, receive critique, and learn new tips and tricks to perfect your Podium Renders. Click here to browse the Gallery Forum.

The Podium Section Tool is now available for V2 Plus users working in SketchUp 8, 2013, and 2014. This is a beta release, with support limited to the forums.

The SU Podium Section Tool creates a "physical" cross-section of your model where the selected SketchUp section plane is located. This enables you to use SU Podium V2 Plus to render the physically sectioned model. SU Podium Section Tool does not change your original model but makes a copy of the current model in the same directory as the original .skp file. You can read more about Podium Section Tool here

► Over 10,700 items now in the Podium Browser!

► 850 free Browser items included for all Podium users.

► 49 new high resolution wood floors, and a brand new LEM material category.

This month introduces a wide selection of new Podium Browser items, including new tiling wood floors, restaurant and bar furniture, a new batch of architectural elements, and the addition of a Light Emitting Materials (LEM) category. Here's a small sample of the new Browser components we've added in the past few weeks:

Six beer taps and assorted restaurant & bar furniture

Wallpaper 01

New construction elements

Outdoor athletic spaces

Wallpaper 01

Podium LEM Materials

Music and recreation equipment

New tiling wood floors - Square pattern

New tiling wood floors - 45 degree pattern

Backlit translucent glass using Podium Browser LEM materials

Used as fill lights, Podium's Light Emitting Materials are an easy way to brighten up a scene and provide a realistic complement to Podium's Physical Sun and Sky. However, due to their ability to emit colored light, they can also be useful in interesting special effects, as seen in the image above. In this case, LEM materials were placed behind translucent glass to create a very cool backlit look. Click the image to see a breakdown of the effect.

Don't forget, as of this month premade LEMs are now available in the Podium Browser, making them easier to use than ever before!

We're adding new content to Podium Browser every week! Podium Browser is still only $59.00 and currently includes over 10,700 high quality, render ready components, with additional models, materials, and light fixtures being added every week. Read more about the speed and efficiency of Podium Browser here.

To see the full range of new Browser content, open the Podium Browser web page. Click on Agree, then click on Show only recent files.

With the release of SU Podium V2 Plus, it is now much easier to customize your render settings beyond the built-in presets that ship with Podium. Using a new tool called the Podium Preset Editor (PPE), users now have access to the Kray render engine's full range of parameters, allowing you to fine-tune Podium's render settings, or build your own presets from the ground up.

Click the image to read the full PPE tutorial.

Last month we provided a quick introduction to the Podium Preset Editor, covering the PPE interface and functionality the that tool provides. This month, we'll take that series a step further by offering a deeper look at PPE's tonemapping settings.

Adjusting Podium's tonemapping settings allows you to make changes to a preset's luminance, gamma exposure, and saturation. Click through for a full explanation of tonemapping in SU Podium V2 Plus:

Read: Click here to read the full PPE Tonemapping tutorial

As always, if you have any problems with the use of a specific tool or technique, feel free to post your question in the SUPlugins Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials forum.

Please click the image to play the animation

Our newest Podium Walker demonstration shows what the latest build is capable of in a large scale outdoor environment. Modeling by Jeremy Justice, with animation by David Wayne in Podium Walker 1.2.0 Beta.

Just a reminder :: Podium Walker version 1.0.7 (64 bit) is currently available. This version supports 64 bit Windows/Mac OS and as much system memory as your PC can provide. This dramatically increases the size of the SketchUp model Podium Walker can open, render, and animate. Walker now supports SU Podium hidden LEM materials.

Podium Walker is still $99 (USD) and can be purchased here, in the Cadalog webstore. All volume discounts apply: (25% off for 2nd through fifth license).

If you'd like to try the latest Podium Walker Beta release (1.2.0) you can download it here.

Nicolas Harvey's updated guide to rendering in SU Podium V2+ is now available, free for all Podium users. The book offers a thorough introduction to rendering in SU Podium for new users, and has been revised to cover the new features that were added in the recent V2+ release. Grab The Cadalog SU Podium V2 Plus User Guide here, or by clicking the image above.

The Win/Mac version of the Viso3D SketchUp export plug-in will convert your SketchUp 8, 2013 and 2014 model into a small file that can be read by the iPad 7. The Lightmap in the plug-in will also preserve the sun and shadows settings and create an ambient light for interior scenes. Read here and download the free trial. $29.95 ends soon.

2nd License Specials for SU Podium V2 and Podium Browser continues: The 25% discount on your second purchase special is still in place as it has proven to be popular. If you already own one license of SU Podium or Podium Browser, get the second license of each for 25% off the list price. Buy here

V2+ is a free upgrade: If you have not yet upgraded to SU Podium V2 Plus, don't forget that V2+ is now available as a free update for all existing Podium users! V2 Plus supports SketchUp 2014 (Win/ Mac), 2013 (Mac only), and SketchUp 8 (Win/Mac). Please Click here to Download SU Podium V2 Plus.

Essentials: Rendering With Podium V2 Plus by Jim Kenney: Jim Kenney's new book includes 187 pages of beautifully illustrated tutorials, walk-throughs, tips, and best practices for setting up lighting, materials, and render settings in SU Podium V2 Plus. Essentials is available as an ebook at the Cadalog Webstore or as a physical book at

Podium Browser Paid content is still $59.00 for a permanent license. You will be able to access new content that is added each month as a Paid content owner. Second license is 25% off. Podium Browser's paid content license will soon increase to $79.00, however, the second license will continue to be 25% off.

Need more info?

Still Only

Second license 25% off

